Spiritual Gifted Psychic

Judge not least ye be judged

by on Oct.16, 2011, under Living life as a Psychic

“Sounds to me llike you need to read your Bible and develop a relationship with God instead of the devil.”

This was sent to me by a person on FB who knows nothing about me. When I was in the second grade I had a near death experience. I met God. I have never wavered in my belief in God. On the other side there is so much love and acceptance…nothing else. God Loves and Accepts EVERYONE. We were made in ‘His Image’ not so much as how he looks…but more of His Light, the capacity to love and accept. He wants us to lift each other up, not judging, shaming and guilting. He wants us to LOVE and ACCEPT, as it is in Heaven.

God gave me the gift of sight and being able to connect to the other side. I help guide people, I help people connect with loved ones that they need to get messages from. HOW is this evil? In the Bible there are many examples of people getting messages from God and Angels…why can’t we still get them? I try to help people. I am not perfect so I am sure there have been times in my life that I have hurt people, but not through my gift.
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