Spiritual Gifted Psychic

Archive for August, 2011

Being a Psychic Parent

by on Aug.14, 2011, under Living life as a Psychic

I have five kids. I love them with everything I have. I am sure they would tell you that being raised by a psychic is not all fun and games. 😉 I always knew where my kids were and what they were doing. So much so that I would tell them “Quit doing this and don’t even think about doing that” type of thing. They thought this was normal….for a while. When my kids started going over to friends’ homes, it started dawning on them. They would come home and tell me that their friends got away with everything! Why didn’t their parents stop them? How could they not know?  They were starting to see that most parents did not know what their kids were doing or plotting. As my kids’ friends found out that I was psychic, they would tell my kids how lucky they were to have a psychic as a mom. My kids would respond with…”you don’t live with her”.  😉

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