Archive for August, 2013
Psychic Protection
by Sherry on Aug.04, 2013, under Living life as a Psychic
Being spiritual can also mean you are more open to negativity. We all need psychic protection and if you are looking to develop your psychic skills, it is even more important. Here is a basic psychic protection that will provide some protection and is easy to do. I imagine a sphere, like a big gerbil ball, around me…in-casing all of me….and about the size of my arms stretched out. I ask God (please use the name of your Higher Power) to surround me in his pink light of love and I imagine a ‘gerbil ball’ of pink quartz surrounding me. I then ask for His white light of protection to surround me and I imagine white crystal on top of the pink quartz. Then I imagine on top of the white crystal a mirror facing outwards….doing this will deflect any negativity and you do not acquire any bad karma by sending it back or ‘getting revenge’. 🙂 Once you put this protection up….it stays up until you ask that it be removed. If you are going into a situation that you know is going to be negative you can repeat the above for a little ‘re-enforcement’. After putting my protection up I have seen people avoid ‘entering’ my ‘gerbil ball’ of protection. 😀
“Speak only if your words are more beautiful than your silence.”
by Sherry on Aug.04, 2013, under Quotes
We all tear ourselves down more than anyone else would be able to. Those negative thoughts that we are at battle with are in everyone’s head. Isn’t it kinder to build up someone’s self-esteem rather than tearing it down? When we are tearing down someone with our words, aren’t we really trying to make ourselves look better? The irony is that we are perceived to be better if we only speak positive words about others. We will feel better about ourselves as well. When speaking to people or about people, it is best to use uplifting words rather than words that would hurt. Let us start uplifting others, rather than tear them down.
Tree of Life Meditation Pendant
by Sherry on Aug.02, 2013, under Uncategorized